public art installations | salon-style exhibitions | workshops | concerts | performances | film screenings | artist talks
Stay tuned!
raya marie hazell
Inside a Red Home and After as Trees
March 13–15, 2024
March 15, 5-8pm
The Residency Project
880 Worcester Avenue
Pasadena, CA 91104
Viewing hours:
by appointment
880 turns 110
Saturday, February 17, 2024
Join us for a potluck-style celebration
of our bungalow’s birthday!
We invite visitors to bring a small dish
that reminds them of home.
Meet artist-in-residence Raya Ward and view works by former TRP AiRs including Shan Wu, Maddie May, Julie Harrison, Danny Floyd, Stephanie Rose Bird, Captain James Stovall V, Lois Keller, Samuel Bich, Hannah Sehl, Tansy Hargan, Leanne Dunic, Melanie Truehaft, Jonathan Rattner, and more!
Melanie Treuhaft
from the Off the Grid series
Ilyn Wong, A Thread, But Not At All Threatening, 2022
Highlights from the Archive
Sarah Umles
March 30–April 15, 2024
Opening Reception:
March 30, 6-8pm
Gallery 787
Remainders Creative Reuse
787 E. Washington Blvd.
Pasadena, CA 91104
Errata is an exhibition of works produced by The Residency Project’s founding artist, Sarah Umles, between 2020 and 2024—a precarious period of time anchored by a global pandemic, during which we collectively turned more intensely to our screens as the primary mode through which we could safely navigate daily life; and followed by a reemergence into life AFK (cyber-jargon meaning “Away From Keyboard”), wherein the body could re-build its relationship with the physical world…
Remainders Creative Reuse is an official partner of The Residency Project.
Nice To See Ya! (Shakes)
by David Badesch
2023 Terrain Biennial
October 1 - November 15
screening daily
sunset to midnight
880 Worcester Avenue
Pasadena, CA 91104
Artist Reception:
Saturday, November 11
Join us for Thanksgiving-inspired bites & bevs
“Nice To See Ya! (Shakes)” is a video piece that plays on the front door of The Residency Project @ 880 in Pasadena, CA. Badesch’s piece demonstrates the ways that humans make physical connections similar to that of the fungi kingdom (mycelia). The work draws inspiration from stock footage often used in prescription drug and business-related advertisements, and considers their hyper focus on intimate connections that are not noticed outside of domestic or professional spaces. The site-specific placement of the video on the house’s front door draws back the metaphorical curtain of the domestic space, revealing interpersonal interactions that typically may not be seen in public.
The piece will be displayed from sunset to midnight every day for the duration of the Biennial.
LIQUID MATTER: a night of artist films
Saturday, August 19, 2023
Opening 7–10 PM
Screening 7:45 PM
Discussion 8:45 PM
image: film still from Ibuki Kuramochi’s “Matrix”
Liquid Matter takes a pulse on what thoughts, themes, images, and soundscapes are currently occupying the collective consciousness of eight regional artists: gene aguilar magaña, Shanthal Caba Mojica, Jean Hsi, Mariah Anne Johnson, Ibuki Kuramochi, Terri Lloyd, Olga Mikolaivna, and Ruoyi Shi. The title of the show, Liquid Matter, is intended as a poetic encapsulation of a feeling rather than as a sequence of words to be interpreted literally. While many of the artworks do contain references to water (a subject that is deeply, locally relevant), other concepts unfold and diverge. Place. Kin. Corporeality. Connection.
On August 19th, we will coalesce as an ephemeral artist collective and extended community to see what spills forth, what evaporates, and what coagulates.
Curated by Sarah Umles & David Badesch
Oh Matchless Earth
New work by Danny Floyd
December 2021
Opening Reception:
Sunday, December 12
Oh Matchless Earth was a site-responsive installation by Danny Floyd at The Residency Project in Pasadena, CA in December 2021. Appropriate to the residency’s early 20th Century craftsman style house, the installation explored issues of interiority in the COVID-19 Era, intentionally retaining the domestic aspects of the space. The project started with the Floyd’s year-long reading of Emily Dickinson’s letters to her sister-in-law Susan Huntington Dickinson and expanded to other topics of reading as a pandemic-era practice. Involving video, painting, and sound, the installation was organized into three thematic rooms with accompanying texts.
Danny Floyd expands, “The Pandemic found me quarantined and seeking solace in the forest of west Georgia in an attempt to escape the terror of proximity in urban life. I thought often of Emily Dickinson’s words, particularly her preoccupation with nature, contradicting the historical mythology that she never left the house. Despite common, ableist assumptions concerning her deviations from normative life, she seems to me to represent different but simultaneous paradigms of isolation relevant to shelter-in-place. The mysteriousness of her coded word choices…”
2021 Terrain Biennial
Nora Maité Nieves: Mirage
October 2 – November 15, 2021
Opening Reception:
Saturday, October 2 | 4-6PM
Resident Fellows Talks
July 22, 2021
Ashley Johnson: The Divine Feminine
July 1 – August 31, 2021
Ashley Johnson
Sestina 1, 2016
Interstice: An Itinerant Exhibition
July 1 – August 31, 2021
Spencer Krywy
Whistling Wind, 2019
kinetic sculpture
TRP @ 1303 Artist Talks
June 23, 2021
Julie Harrison
Bodies #8332: Pasadena
May 1–June 30, 2021
Bodies #8332: Pasadena is a site-responsive work created upon an invitation from The Residency Project. Through her research, Harrison selected major soil and plant microbes living in the Los Angeles-Southern California area and printed examples in varied sizes to use in her drawing. These microbes included Achromobacter, Bacillus, Bradyrhizobium, Cupriavidus, Enterococcus, Pseudomonas, Stenotrophomonas, and Streptomyces.
“I have long been inspired by the body — as metaphor, as subject, as medium. A few years ago…
Rosalynn Gingerich
Pink Squish IV
March 15–April 15, 2021
(Pink) Squish IV is a site-responsive sculpture—a large-scale, inflatable biomorphic form squeezed into the front porch of The Residency Project. As with previous installations of the work, this fourth iteration responds to the unique spatial, architectural, and environmental parameters of the…
Interpretation Board
April 2020-April 2021
an interventionist exhibition of rotating site-responsive artworks on a public interpretation board
Featured Artists:
Vincent Hernandez & Clay Hillenburg, Eileen Wold, Carlos Rene Castro, Shan Wu & Drew Cavicchi, Jen Bloomer, Cameron Harris, Margeaux Walter, Kerstin Bruchhäuser
In Our Words: Film Screening & Panel Discussion
September 3, 2020
EMERGE: a night of art + music
January 11, 2020
Featured Artists:
Lerer Chen, Austin Antoine, Rival Karma, Livingmore, Abigail, DJ Jeff Koons
co-curated by Sarah Umles and Jake Otero
Connections & Callings
September 7, 2019
Featured Artist talk by resident Stephanie Rose Bird
Poetry reading by Lavinia Busch
Live music performance by Brooks & Day
Pop-up market featuring art, books, and wares by Abalone Herbals, Amandine’s, The Amethyst Moon, Stephanie Rose Bird, Lavinia Busch, and Lois Keller
Mak Kern, Intimate Loop
May 25–August 1, 2019
interactive light and sound sculpture